


I designed a new site concept for MGZN Architecture that showed their work in a fresh, modern aesthetic, focused on imagery to showcase the firm’s unique designs. Using my knowledge of Wordpress, Javascript as well as HTML, CSS, PHP, I was able to create a site that was responsive, user friendly, and optimized for speed.

About the Client

MGZN Architecture focuses on thoughtful, forward thinking architectural designs for a wide range of applications. Creating designs for residential, commercial, and industrial applications their aesthetic is a marriage of traditional and modern design principles that creates unique and engaging spaces for their clients.


They needed a website that reflected their modern aesthetic, focused on imagery, and delivered their values and perspective with an intuitive and simple design. With full-featured photo galleries, services and about pages the site provided them with everything they needed to showcase their growing portfolio.

Project: New Website Concept

Role: Designer and Developer

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript

mobile view of


As MGZN's brand is minimalist and modern I sought to create a design that was the same, focusing on imagery while added slight design elements like the menu hover selection that fit with the brand.

tablet view of

Because MGZN needed to show off their work through photographs and illustrations it necessitated heavy emphasis on imagery. The main page highlights a rotating selection of work with the slider as does the Services page that categorizes works into different applications.

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Using PHP I implemented dynamic menus and headers for code optimization and flexibility. I also employed Javascript for the custom hover effects and CSS for the custom background slider. The site is fully responsive incorporating mobile, tablet, and desktop sizes. Content pages include a gallery of portfolio work, blog, about page, and contact page.