The first step in the process was sketching and brainstorming ideas. I played with different shapes and the concept of a flint stone to mocked up a few different versions. I then recreated the shapes that had promise into Adobe Illustrator and paired them with different font variations.

After a significant amount of doodling I then recreated the ideas that had the most promise in Adobe Illustrator and paired them with different font variations.

Design Specifications

I settled on the Andale Mono typeface because as a monospaced font it is commonly used in programming. Playing with the different letter forms I decided on a simple flipping of the 'i' in Flint. It gave the logo a sense of playfulness. These two elements I think give clear nods to both coding and and gaming.
Brand Assets

For the business card I wanted the design to be clean and bold with a modern sensibility. The back of the card is a bold color with a prominent use of the logo the front is more simple and contrasts the front.